Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I learned how to do laundry when I was in Jr. High. In my learning, I was taught to separate my colors, whites, and darks into three different loads. Then, I was introduced to the machine that would make my dirty clothes clean. Over the years, I have made a few mistakes. For example, I miss my favorite dress that once fit to my knees, but now (due to an unfortunate placement malfunction, made its way into the dryer) has become a skimpy tank top. And, we can't forget the traditional story of the pink sock that weasels its way into my "whites only" pile... so not ideal.

I am telling you all this, because i did my first load of laundry today. It was rather invigorating, considering the fact that, because I am a girl it is said to be dangerous for me to leave campus alone (this has been one of the harder aspects of my adjusting experience). However, I did my laundry all by myself today. Without the company of a boy, girl, teacher, or friend. Just me. Just my dirty laundry. and this is how it turned out (quite successful).

(i guess i wasn't completely alone)

1 comment:

  1. that was a huge adjustment for me too... i have a suggestion for you, though so you don't get stir crazy. go to the church at the top of the steps outside the school, there you will find a coffee shop and they have a candlelit crypt under the church where I would retreat if i needed to go be alone for a little bit. i miss you amy girl and i am so excited for your experience there! hearing all of this makes me miss it like crazy.

    ps- were you able to meet cyndi parker and give her a hug for me?


