Thursday, September 30, 2010

Fat Camp

I have now been in Israel for over a month and one thing I know for certain is that I may have signed myself up for "Fat Camp". Before coming to Israel, I knew that I needed to be in a healthy, strong, and relatively fit condition. About 3 weeks leading up to my departing flight from the states, I created my own "Two-a-day" workout routine. I got in what could be called a "good" physical condition, and I was comforted that I could walk up a flight of stairs without feeling winded... well my friends, my "two-a-days" didn't do much justice for my Israeli experience.
I have already explained the immense heat that my body has had to adjust to, and the best way to adjust is to walk in it. In my Physical Settings class, we traveling, hike, walk, and sometimes crawl under the Israeli sun. So much so, it's as if they have coordinated subliminal workouts for us "fattie-cakes" to follow. So, as we walk/work out, myself and fellow girls in the group laugh terribly. Picture a group of ten girls attending a "Last Minute Workout" at a 24 hour gym. Usually you are always ten seconds off from the instructor and whispering sweet nothings under your breath, such as: "What are they trying to do to us?! Ah, clearly I can't do this!" or, my favorite, "I hate this. Wana go get something to eat?" Then the chiseled and barely sweating instructor says, "Almost there! You got this! If you want results you have to work for it. Nothing is free!I BELIEVE in you!" Having someone tell you that they "believe" in you as you are sweating your brains out and your legs are starting to cramp, is not exactly picturesque. Back on site with my field study and still keeping the picture of a 24 hour gym class, I say this all because, a prideful 21 years old only dreads admitting the fact that her 60 year old professor, in a tan safari hat, is presently kicking her butt. Something is seriously wrong here.
Needless to say, whether they know that we feel like we are attending a "Fat Camp" or not, I have seen the results. Whatever it may be, walking all day long at our field studies or simply cruising about the Old or New City, we are constantly working out. As it would happen, the classes will continue and the sites we visit will increase. Slowly but surely, I laugh more and more with having to constantly pull up my pants. I just want to be able to jump in all the "jumping pictures" and not have to hold my pants up to keep the world from seeing things they don't need to see... I'm sure they WANT to see them, obviously, but we have to stick to our "Modesty Kits" people... And luckily for me, I forgot to pack my favorite belt. It has gotten to the point to where I have already passed on a pair of pants to a friend of mine down the hall. Another 3 pairs are pointless for me to try on, because they were relatively loose before I left. If things continue at this rate, I'll have to stick to leggings/jeggings. This has been rather unexpected with my venturing over here, but it's simply all apart of the experience... You always have to expect the unexpected:)

I can proudly and confidently type that I have successfully survived 45 days of Fat Camp.

1 comment:

  1. we talked about that on my semester abroad... the packet said be in good physical condition... haha they never said, be able to run a marathon each weekend... up hill... both ways... lol
