Sunday, October 17, 2010

Negev Field Study: day 2b

There was way to much to talk about on this second day, so I had to split the blogs in half. Here is the end of our incredible day:

Matkhtesh Ramon (Super Bowl)

Back on the bus and then off the bus, we arrived at God’s natural Disneyland. Once you minus Mickey Mouse, the rides, and basically everything that looks like Disneyland, then you are standing before God's version of the happiest place on earth. Like when a person dips their finger into a jar of peanut butter, so God placed his figure in his earth and pulled the land away. Laying on my stomach and overlooking the edge, I wrote in my journal. I prayed. I sang. Then I cried. The earth which God created, was [in my perspective] bowing to the Lord in sincere reverence. There are instances in life when time becomes only a word, life blurs, and our eye focus on a single moment. Like when a husband-to-be locks eyes with his one true love as she gracefully walks towards him, or the moment shared between two parents as they witness their child’s very first step, or when a Jr. High student realizes that all their desire for Jesus overpowers the need for the world. There are moments in time that we cannot describe. They do not come often, but when they do... they are sacred, prized, and protected. Back on the bus, I was quiet. My friend ask me, “Ames, you alright?” My answer, “Ya, I.. I... I think I’m stunned. I’m stunned by God’s creation.” A moment where time was but a word, life blurred, and my vision was centered on Gods craftsmanship.

[Betsy contemplating life]

[Journal Sesh]

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