Sunday, January 2, 2011

Sinai Sky

I have never caught a firefly. I’m sure the feeling is thrilling. What else could a kid dream for then a bug that lights up? Until I experience the moment first hand, I will only be able to dream. I picture myself in a field. A large, very large field. No need to dress warm, for it’s a warm summer night. My feet are firmly planted around uneven, overgrown weeds. I am holding a single glass jar in my left hand and I’m wearing a face of anticipation and determination. Looking up towards the open night sky, thousands of swarming fireflies bring light to the evening darkness. Taking in a breath of fresh air, my lungs are satisfied with the taste of adventure.

Sitting in my usual spot on the bus, all I could think about were fireflies. It’s an odd thought considering we were driving through the Sinai at the time. However, it wasn’t all that odd to me, because looking out of my window I didn’t see the heat of the sun on the mountains. Instead, I saw the dark shadows of the night sitting on the perfectly rugged, unleveled land formations. Just above and slightly brighter than the mountain range was the evening sky. Positioned so gracefully and perfectly, as if it were waiting for my arrival, all I could do was marvel. Back on the bus, a curious 21 year old girl sat in her seat like a 7 seven year old child awaited their chance to catch their first firefly. While I have still never caught a firefly, and it is most certainly on my “to-do” list, I have caught my first Sinai Sky. I didn’t have a glass jar to store the stars, but I do have a picture imprinted in my mind. It is an image of a thousand fireflies. Each lit and each flying still. It is as if they were inviting me to capture one and take them home with me. So, this is me taking them home with me: me telling you.

[Sunrise on top of Mount Sinai. Feel free to Re-read the last sentence, because its kind of unbelievably true.]

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